
Robert Parsons - Ave, Marie

Found: 2

Hear My Words, Choral Classics from St John's      
Allegri, Grieg, Pärt, Rachmaninov, Parsons, Palestrina, Tallis, MacMillan, Franck, Stanford, Vaughan Williams, Rutter, Faure, Parry Choir of St John's College, Cambridge Andrew Nethsingha
CHSA 5085
Parsons, White & Byrd: Where late the sweet birds sang      
William Byrd: Christe qui lux es et dies Robert White: Lamentations A5 Robert Parsons: Ave Maria Byrd: Domine, quis habitabit Parsons: Domine, quis habitabit Byrd: Quomodo cantabimus Byrd: De lamentatione White: Christe qui lux es et dies (IV) Magnificat Philip Cave
Linn Records
CKD 417