
George Gershwin - Porgy & Bess (Suite)

Found: 4

American Composers - Pacific Trio      
Gershwin, Bernstein, Copland, Muczynski Pacific Trio
Gershwin - The Gents        
Gershwin: Things Are Looking Up; I Can't Be Bothered Now; Stiff Upper Lip; Sing of spring; The Jolly Tar and the Milkmaid; Foggy Day (in London town); Nice Work If You Can Get It; Rhapsody in Blue (1924); They Can't Take That Away from Me (Shall we Dance - 1937); Fascinating Rhythm (Lady be Good - ... more
Channel Classics
CCS SA 33312
Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue, Piano Concerto etc - Ousset, Marriner    
Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue; Piano Concerto; An American in Paris; Cuban Overture*; Variations on "I've got rhythm"^; Porgy & Bess (suite) Cecile Ousset, piano RSO Stuttgart Sir Neville Marriner Alan Marks^, piano RSO Berlin*^ Hans-Dieter Baum*^
Crystal Classics
N 80 003
Piano Trios - Trio Panta Rhei      
Bernstein, Schnyder, Gershwin, Kapustin, Pritsker Trio Panta Rhei
Ars Produktion
ARS 38 097