
Franz Gruber - Stille Nacht

Found: 2

Cantate Domino - Nilsson      
"Cantate Domino" Alf Linder (organ) Marianne Mellnäs (soprano) Oscar's Motet Choir Torsten Nilsson
True Light, The Berlin Christmas Concert - Rundfunkchor Berlin      
Howells: A Spotless Rose, Paulus: The Ship Carol, The First Nowell, Gabrieli: Jubilate Deo omnis terra, Poulenc: O magnum mysterium, Quem vidistis pastores, Videntes stellam, Hodie Christus natus est, Thomas: Rise Up, Shepherd and Follow, Here's a Pretty Little Baby, Hogan: This Little Light of ... more
Coviello Classics
COV 50508