
George Enescu - Impressions d’Enfance, Op. 28

Found: 2

Childhood Memories - Mikhail Tsinman, Nika Lundstrem        
Alexander Dolzhenko: Song of the Brook, Prokofiev: Five Melodies Op. 35bis, Mozart: Sonata for piano and violin in C major K.6, Schubert: Introduction and variations on the song "Trockne Blumen“ from "Die schöne Müllerin“ D.802, Bártok: Romanian Folk Dances (BB 68), Bloch: Nigun (Improvisation) from ... more
Caro Mitis
CM 0022007-2
Works for Violin and Piano - Buschatz, Feinstein      
George Enescu: Impressions d'enfance Op. 28, Alfred Schnittke: Sonata No. 1, Richard Strauss: Sonata for Violin and Piano in E flat major Op. 18 Andreas Buschatz (violin) Tahmina Feinstein (piano)
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