
Frederick Loewe - My Fair Lady

Found: 2

City Brass Stuttgart      
Charles François Gounod: A cross-section through the opera Faust, Franz von Suppé: Overture from the operetta Leichte Kavallerie (Light Cavalry), Johann Strauss: Wiener Blech (Vienna Brass) - A Johann-Strauss Operetta Medley, Frederick Loewe: Suite from the musical "My Fair Lady", Daniel Schnyder: ... more
Coviello Classics
COV 50902
Tonight - Linos Saxophon Quartett on Broadway    
Bernstein: West Side Story, Arlen: Over the Rainbow, Loewe: Scenes from "My Fair Lady", Gershwin: Porgy & Bess Linos Saxophon Quartett
M 56905