
Zoltán Kodály - Duo for Violin and Cello, Op. 7

Found: 3

Entendre - duoW    
Kodaly: Duo for Violin & Cello, Op. 7 Halvorsen: Passacaglia in G minor on a Theme by Handel Adrien-François Servais & Hubert Léonard: Grand Duo de Concert Ravel: Sonata for Violin & Cello Sousa: The Stars & Stripes Forever (arr. Bruce Dukov) duoW: Arianna Warsaw-Fan, violin Meta Weiss, ... more
Sono Luminus
Kodaly, Ravel, Schulhoff: Duos for violin & cello - Liza & Dmitry Ferschtman        
Kodaly: Duo for violin and cello Op. 7, Ravel: Sonata for violin and cello, Schulhoff: Duo for violin and cello Liza Ferschtman Dmitry Ferschtman
Challenge Classics
CC 72542
Starker plays Kodaly      
"King of the Cellists" Kodaly Janos Starker (cello)
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