
Edward Elgar - Chanson de Nuit, Op. 15 No. 1

Found: 2

Menuhin: The Album - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra      
Elgar: Pomp and Circumstance Op. 39 (March No. 4), Enigma Variations (Nimrod, Finale), Cello Concerto in E minor Op. 85 (I. Adagio-Moderato, II. Allegro molto), Chansons Op. 15, Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 in B minor Op. 74 "Pathetique" (III. Allegro molto vivace), Dvorak: Symphony No. 8 in G major ... more
Sir Edward meets Father Willis - Simon Nieminski        
Elgar: Polonia Op. 76 (trans. Nieminski), Chanson de Matin Op. 15 No. 2 (trans. Brewer), Prelude and Angel's Farewell from "The Dream of Gerontius" Op. 38 (trans. Brewer), Contrasts: The Gavotte ­ AD 1700 and 1900 Op. 10 No. 3 (trans. Kingston), Variations on an Original Theme "Enigma" Op. 36 ... more
Pro Organo
SACD 7199