
Thomas Tallis - O sacrum convivium

Found: 2

A Cappella Works by Copland, Duruflé, Vaughan Williams etc. - Mackenzie        
Messiaen: O sacrum convivium!, Tavener: Song for Athene, Vaughan Williams: Mass in G minor, Duruflé: Motets on Gregorian Themes, Copland: Four Motets, Tallis: O sacrum convivium Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chamber Chorus Norman Mackenzie (conductor)
Passion & Resurrection: music inspired by Holy Week - Stile Antico        
William Cornysh: Woefully Arrayed Orlando Gibbons: Hosanna to the son of David; I am the resurrection and the life Thomas Tallis: O sacrum convivial Orlande de Lassus: In monte oliveti Cristóbal de Morales: O crux ave Tomás Luis de Victoria: O vos omnes John McCabe: Woefully Arrayed John ... more
Harmonia Mundi
HMU 807555