
Ludwig van Beethoven - 12 Variations on Mozart's "Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen", Op. 66

Found: 4

Beethoven: Complete Cello Works - Rummel, Guttenberg      
Beethoven: Cello Sonatas Nos. 1-5, Handel Variations, 12 Variations on "Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen", Variations on "Bei Männern, welche Liebe fühlen" Martin Rummel (cello) Gerda Guttenberg (piano)
M 56870
Beethoven: Complete Sonatas & Variations - Haimovitz, O'Riley      
Beethoven: Complete Sonatas & Variations Matt Haimovitz, cello Christopher O'Riley, fortepiano
PentaTone Classics
PTC 5186 475
Beethoven: Complete Sonatas & Variations - Wispelwey, Lazic        
Beethoven: Complete Sonatas & Variations Pieter Wispelwey (cello) Dejan Lazic (piano)
Channel Classics
CCS SA 22605
Rococo Cello Variations        
Beethoven: Seven Variations on the theme "Bei Mannern, welche Liebe fuhlen" from Mozart's "Zauberflote" WoO 46; Twelve Variations on the theme "Ein Madchen oder Weibchen" from Mozart's "Zauberflote" Op. 66 Jiri Gemrot: Ludwigsgruss, variations on a theme of Beethoven; Variations on a theme of ... more
Praga Digitals
PRD/DSD 250 293