
Kurt Weill - The Threepenny Opera

Found: 2

Aspects of Kurt Weill - Schaars        
"Aspects of Kurt Weill" Lysbeth Riemersma (voice) Threepenny Orchestra Peter Kleine Schaars (conductor)
ACD HN 021-2
Calefax: The roaring twenties      
HAVEN GILLESPIE (1888-1975), SEYMOUR SIMONS (1896-1949) & RICHARD WHITING (1891-1938): Breezin’ along with the breeze AARON COPLAND (1900-1990): Sentimental Melody (Blues) BENJAMIN BRITTEN (1913-1976): Cabaret Songs KURT WEILL (1900-1950): Dreigroschensuite; Youkali; Surabaya Johnny VINCENT ... more
Challenge Classics
CC 72657