
William Byrd - Vigilate

Found: 3

Byrd: Playing Elizabeth's Tune - The Tallis Scholars      
William Byrd: Vigilate, Tristitia et anxietas, Ne irascaris, Domine, Prevent us, O Lord, O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth, Great Service: Magnificat, Mass for four voices The Tallis Scholars
Heavenly Harmonies - Stile Antico      
Thomas Tallis [c.1505-1585]: First Tune "Man blest no doubt"; Second Tune "Let God arise"; Third Tune "Why fum'th in fight"; Fourth Tune "O come in one to praise the Lord"; Fifth Tune "E'en like the hunted hind"; Sixth Tune "Expend, O Lord"; Seventh Tune "Why brag'st in malice"; Eighth Tune "God ... more
Harmonia Mundi
HMU 807463
Sing with the Voice of Melody - Stile Antico      
TOMKINS: O praise the Lord CLEMENS non Papa: Ego flos campi BYRD: Ecce virgo concipiet (Gradualia I, 1605); Vigilate (Cantiones sacrae I, 1589) GOMBERT: Magnificat primi toni TALLIS: In pace in idipsum; Gloria (Missa Puer natus est) VICTORIA: O vos omnes MCCABE: Woefully arrayed SHEPPARD: The ... more
Harmonia Mundi
HMU 807650