
George Frideric Handel - Masque "Alexander's Feast", HWV 75

Found: 5

Handel: Alexander's Feast - Bosch      
Handel: Alexander's Feast or The Power of Musik Dorothee Mields Judith Berning Paul Agnew Woong-jo Choi Aachener Kammerchor Aachen SO Marcus Bosch (conductor)
Coviello Classics
COV 30715
Handel: Great Oratorio Duets - Carolyn Sampson, Robin Blaze      
Handel: Duets from Jephta, Joshua, Belshazzar, Susanna, Theodora, Solomon, Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne, Saul, Deborah, Alexander Balus, Alexander's Feast, Esther Carolyn Sampson Robin Blaze The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment Nicholas Kraemer (conductor)
Handel: Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, Alexander's Feast - Neumann      
Handel: Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, Alexander's Feast Simone Kermes Virgil Hartinger Konstantin Wolff Kölner Kammerchor Collegium Cartusianum Peter Neumann (conductor)
Handel: Un momento di contento - Christoph Genz      
Georg Friedrich Handel: Un momento di contento, Arias for Tenor Christoph Genz (tenor) Julia Wagner (soprano) Händelfestspielorchester Halle David Timm (conductor)
Coviello Classics
COV 20808
The People Shall Hear! - The Bach Choir, The English Concert      
"The People Shall Hear! - Great Handel Choruses" Carolyn Sampson Robin Blaze The Bach Choir The English Concert David Hill