
Benjamin Britten - Serenade For Tenor, Horn and Strings, Op. 31

Found: 3

Benjamin Britten: Les Illuminations - Scottish Ensemble      
Benjamin Britten: Les Illuminations Op. 18, Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge Op. 10, Serenade For Tenor, Horn and Strings Op. 31 Toby Spence (tenor) Martin Owen (horn) Scottish Ensemble Clio Gould (conductor)
Linn Records
CKD 226
Britten - Amsterdam Sinfonietta        
Benjamin Britten (1913-1976): Les Illuminations Op. 18, Variations on a theme of Frank Bridge Op. 10, Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal (1943), Serenade Op. 31 for Tenor, Horn and Strings Barbara Hannigan (Soprano), James Gilchrist (Tenor), Jasper de Waal (Horn) Amsterdam Sinfonietta Candida ... more
Channel Classics
CCS SA 32213
Britten and Finzi Song Cycles - Mark Padmore        
Britten: Serenade for tenor, horn and strings Op. 31, Nocturne for tenor, 7 obligato instruments and strings Op. 60, Finzi: Dies Natalis Op. 8 Mark Padmore (tenor) Stephen Bell (horn) Britten Sinfonia Jacqueline Shave (director)
Harmonia Mundi
HMU 807552