
Ludwig van Beethoven - Leonore Overture No. 1, Op. 138

Found: 6

Beethoven: Complete Overtures - Neumann      
Beethoven: Complete Overtures Czech Philharmonic Orchestra Vaclav Neumann (conductor)
Beethoven: Overtures - Sir Colin Davis      
Beethoven: The Ruins of Athens Op. 113, Coriolan Op. 62, Leonore No. 1 Op 138, The Creatures of Prometheus Op. 43, Egmont Op. 84, Leonore No. 3 Op. 72a, Fidelio Op. 72b Symponie-Orchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks Sir Colin Davis (conductor)
Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 - Klemperer      
Beethoven: Symphony No. 3; Leonore Overtures 1 & 2 Philharmonia Orchestra Otto Klemperer
Warner Music (Japan)
Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 "Pastoral", Leonora Overture No. 1 - Klemperer    
Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 in F major Op. 68 "Pastoral", Leonora Overture No. 1 Op. 138 Philharmonia Orchestra Otto Klemperer (conductor)
EMI (Japan)
Beethoven: The 11 Overtures - Masur      
Beethoven: Fidelio Op. 72c, Leonore No. 1 Op. 13, Leonore No. 2 Op. 72a, Leonore No. 3 Op. 72b, Coriolan Op. 62, Egmont Op. 84, King Stephen Op. 117, The Creatures of Prometheus Op. 43, The Consecration of the House Op. 124, Nameday Op. 115, The Ruins of Athens Gewandhaus Orchester Leipzig Kurt ... more
PentaTone Classics
PTC 5186 148
Cherubini: Symphony, Beethoven: Ah, Perfido! - Bengtsson, de Billy      
Cherubini: Symphony in D major; “Vous voyez de vos fils” from Médée Beethoven: Ah, Perfido!; Leonore overture I Maria Bengtsson, soprano Orchestre de chambre de Lausanne Bertrand de Billy
940 1854-6