
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Violin Sonata in B flat major, K. 378/317d

Found: 3

Mozart: Clarinet Quartets - Eric Hoeprich, Les Adieux      
Mozart: 3 works arranged for Clarinet, Violin, Viola and Cello Eric Hoeprich (clarinet) Les Adieux
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Mozart: Complete sonatas for keyboard and violin Vol. 1 - Cooper/Podger        
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Mozart: Oboe Music - Alexei Ogrintchouk      
MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–91) Quartet in F major for oboe, violin, viola and cello, K 370 (1781) Concerto in C major for Oboe and Orchestra, K 314 (1777) Sonata for Violin and Piano in B flat major, K 378 (1779–80) arranged for oboe and piano by L. Slavinsky Alexei Ogrintchouk, Oboe ... more