
Orlando Gibbons - O clap your hands together

Found: 2

Sing with the Voice of Melody - Stile Antico      
TOMKINS: O praise the Lord CLEMENS non Papa: Ego flos campi BYRD: Ecce virgo concipiet (Gradualia I, 1605); Vigilate (Cantiones sacrae I, 1589) GOMBERT: Magnificat primi toni TALLIS: In pace in idipsum; Gloria (Missa Puer natus est) VICTORIA: O vos omnes MCCABE: Woefully arrayed SHEPPARD: The ... more
Harmonia Mundi
HMU 807650
The Phoenix Rising - Stile Antico        
William BYRD: Ave verum corpus; Mass for five voices Thomas TALLIS: Salvator mundi (I); Thomas MORLEY: Nolo mortem peccatoris Orlando GIBBONS: O clap your hands together; Almighty and everlasting God Robert WHITE: Portio mea; Christe qui lux es et dies (IV) John TAVERNER: O splendor ... more
Harmonia Mundi
HMU 807572