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A tribute to Bronislaw Huberman, Vol. I
A tribute to Váša Príhoda, Vol. 1
Britannia - Runnicles
Classics at the Pops - Erich Kunzel
Contrasts - Vocaal Ensemble Cantatrix
Debut - Fumiaki Miyamoto
Die Orgeln im Freiburger Münster - Barbara Kolberg, Klemens Schnorr
Elgar, Delius: Cello Concertos - Jacqueline du Pre
Elgar, Vaughan Williams: Enigma, The Wasps, Greensleeves - Stern
Elgar: Cello Concerto & Sea Pictures
Elgar: Cello Concerto - Yoohong Lee/Menuhin
Elgar: Cello Concerto, Sea Pictures - Jacqueline du Pré, Janet Baker, Sir John Barbirolli
Elgar: Complete Songs for voice and piano Vol. 1 - Roocroft, Jarnot, Mees
Elgar: Complete Songs for voice and piano Vol. 2 - Roocroft, Jarnot, Mees
Elgar: Enigma Variations - RPO/Menuhin
Elgar: Enigma Variations, Britten: Young Person's Guide - Paavo Järvi
Elgar: Enigma Variations, In the South - Ashkenazy
Elgar: Enigma Variations, Introduction & Allegro - Davis
Elgar: Enigma Variations, Vaughan Williams: Variations on a Theme of Greensleeves - Boult
Elgar: Pomp and Circumstance, Serenade for Strings - Ashkenazy
Elgar: Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf, The Banner of Saint George - Birsan, Banks, Opie, Davis
Elgar: Sea Pictures, The Dream of Gerontius - Connolly, Skelton, Soar, Davis
Elgar: Symphony No 1 - Oramo
Elgar: Symphony No. 1 - Ashkenazy

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