(Click on the cover images for details; Red - in library)

Found: 13
Format:  Composer:

1612 Italian Vespers - Hollingworth
Allegri: Miserere - Tallis Scholars
Die Regensburger Domspatzen singen zur Weihnachtszeit
Hear My Words, Choral Classics from St John's
Hommage to Antonin Dvorak - Jugendkantorei Hösel
Light of the Spirit - Choir of Clare College Cambridge
Palestrina: Messa per Santa Cecilia - Ensemble Officium
Palestrina: Missa Papae Marcelli - Ensemble Officium
Rogier: Polychoral Works - Magnificat
Roma Triumphans - Jackson
Song of Songs - Stile Antico
Susanne un jour - Stimmwerck
Vergine Bella - Arianna Savall