(Click on the cover images for details; Red - in library)

Found: 13
Format:  Composer:

Albéniz Iberia and Granados Goyescas - Artur Pizarro
Albeniz, Ponce, Tarrega - Georg Gulyas
Albeniz: Iberia - Larrocha
Albéniz: Iberia Vol. 1 - Yoram Ish-Hurwitz
Albéniz: Iberia Vol. 2 - Yoram Ish-Hurwitz
Albeniz: Iberia, Suite Espagnole - Hervé Billaut
Boléro - Kunzel
David Russell: Art of the Guitar
Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue - Blue Chamber Quartet
Julian Bream - Popular Classics for Spanish Guitar
Shchedrin: Humoreske and other miniatures - Peter Rosel
Spain - Leontyne Price
Spain - Reiner