(Click on the cover images for details; Red - in library)

Found: 21
Format:  Composer:

40 Voices - Paul Van Nevel
A Cappella Works by Copland, Duruflé, Vaughan Williams etc. - Mackenzie
Coronation of King George II - King's Consort/Robert King
From the Imperial Court - Stile Antico
Hear My Words, Choral Classics from St John's
Heavenly Harmonies - Stile Antico
Light of the Spirit - Choir of Clare College Cambridge
Music for Compline - Stile Antico
Passion & Resurrection: music inspired by Holy Week - Stile Antico
Puer Natus est - Stile Antico
Sing with the Voice of Melody - Stile Antico
Tallis: Spem in alium - The Kings Singers
Tallis: Spem in Alium - The Sixteen
Tallis: Spem in alium, Lamentations etc. - Magnificat
Tallis: Spem in alium, Missa Salve intemerata - Oxford Camerata
The Phoenix Rising - Stile Antico
The Tudors at Prayer - Magnificat, Cave
Times Go by Turns - New York Polyphony
Tune thy Musicke to thy Hart - Stile Antico
Vaughan Williams: Symphony No. 5, Tallis Fantasia - Spano
XL, Choral Works for 40 Voices - Halsey