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Bartok: Music for Strings, Percussion & Celeste; Honegger: Symphony No. 3; Stravinsky: Agon - Mravinsky
Bassoon. Orchestra - Jakob Meyers
Beethoven: Symphony No. 7 etc - Celibidache
Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique - Munch
Black Bird - Fredrik Fors, Sveinung Bjelland
Brahms/Stravinsky: Violin Concertos - Hilary Hahn
Britten, Vaughan-Williams, Roussel, Balakirev, Stravinsky - Karajan
Enigma, works for solo viola - Dana Zemtsov
Franck: Symphony, Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Monteux
Heaven to Earth - Westminster Choir/Joseph Flummerfelt
Le Sacre - Debussy, Stravinsky
Live in Tokyo 1998 - Chung, Golan
Mahler: Symphony No. 10, Stravinsky: Firebird etc. - Szell
Mira - Pearl of Passion
Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition, Stravinsky: Symphony of Psalms - Markevitch
Orchestral Surround Illusion - Kobayashi
Pianoduo - Gerard Bouwhuis/Cees van Zeeland
PianOrchestra - Poizat
Pictures from Russia - Albrecht
Poetry. Epic. Program - Brogli-Sacher
Prokofiev: Lieutenant Kije; Stravinsky: Song of the Nightingale - Reiner
Rachmaninov, Bach/Busoni, Ravel, Stravinsky - Freddy Kempf
Rachmaninov: Symphonic Dances, Stravinsky - Gergiev
Rhythm Is It! - Soundtrack

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