(Click on the cover images for details; Red - in library)

Found: 11
Format:  Composer:

American Choir Music - Amadeus-Chor, Nicol Matt
Heaven to Earth - Westminster Choir/Joseph Flummerfelt
Ives: Orchestral Works, Vol. 1 - Davis
Ives: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 4 - Litton
Ives: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 3 - Litton
Masterpieces in miniature - Wang, Tilson Thomas
Mattias Wager - Organ Treasures
Mozart, Verdi, Ives: Quartets - Schumann Quartett
Music for a Time of War - Kalmar
Over the Hills and Far Away - Kristiansand Blåseensemble
Variations on America - Rudolf Innig