All Titles - Sono Luminus
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Found: 26
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American Aggregate - Inscape
Americana - Modern Mandolin Quartet
Barber, Hanson: "American Anthem" - Ying Quartet
Brubeck & American Poets - Pacific Mozart Ensemble
Debussy: Preludes Book I etc - Lewin
Debussy: Preludes Book II etc - Lewin
Entendre - duoW
Fairouz: Poems and Prayers - Cooke, Krakauer, Kravitz, Stulberg
Io Vidi in Terra - José Lemos
Kapustin, Finney, Walker: Viola sonatas - Nelson, Howsmon
Leclair: Sonatas for Two Violins - Greg Ewer & Adam LaMotte
Los Angeles Percussion Quartet: Rupa-khandha
Mosh Pit - ZOFO
Nine Notes that Shook the World - Ronn McFarlane & Mindy Rosenfeld
Rachmaninov: Variations on a Theme of Corelli, Etudes-Tableaux, Preludes - Besalyan
Scarlatti, Domenico: La Dirindina & Pur el son no
Schumann: String Quartets - Ying Quartet
Sculthorpe: Complete String Quartets with Didjeridu - Del Sol Quartet, Kent
Sprung Rhythm - Inscape
Surrounded by Angels: A Christmas Celebration with Ensemble Galilei
The Year Before Yesterday - Los Angeles Percussion Quartet
Toccatas: Modern American music for harpsichord - Jory Vinikour
Weill, Ibert, Berg - Baton Rouge Symphony Chamber Players
Zelenka: The Capriccios - The Bach Sinfonia

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