All Titles - Coviello Classics
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Simple Gifts - Halsey
Smetana: String Quartets Nos. 1 & 2 - Bennewitz Quartet
Spohr: Der Fall Babylons, WoO 63 - Stanze
Stadtpfeifer, Waits, Ministriles, Piffari - Instrumental music of the 16th and 17th century
Strauss: Choral works - Gläser
Swiss aspects: Orchestral music from Argovia 1945-1970 - Bostock
The Guard on the Battlement - Bäuml
Theodorakis: Rhapsody for Cello, Ballet Suite - Bosch
True Light, The Berlin Christmas Concert - Rundfunkchor Berlin
Verdi: Missa da Requiem - Bosch
Vivaldi: The Four Seasons - Sepec
Wagner: Der Ring - symphonisch - Klajner
Wagner: Original works and adaptations for chamber orchestra - Bosch

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