All Titles - ORF
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Antonio Sartorio: Giulio Cesare in Egitto - Cremonesi
Bach: Flute Sonatas - Brunmayr-Tutz, Mortensen
Bach: Motets - Kargl
Bach: Violin Sonatas, Partita - Kurosaki
Benedetto Marcello: Joaz - Hammer
By Yon Bonnie Banks - Quadriga Consort
Cannabich: Mozarts Gedaechtnis Feyer - Hammer
Czerny: Clavierwerke - Christoph Hammer
Elisabeth Schimana: Spaces #1
Firminus Caron 1 - The Sound And The Fury
Francesco Bartolomeo Conti: Sventurata Didone - Hammer
Greetings from London - Oman Consort
Guillaume Faugues - The Sound and the Fury
Handel: Al Piacere Del Signore - Chani & Nadja Lesaulnier
Handel: Judas Maccabaeus - Ferlesch
Handel: Roma L'Anno 1707 - Bonizzoni
Johannes Ockeghem 1 - The Sound and The Fury
Kapsberger: Li Fiori - Ensemble Vivante
L'Europe Réunie - Collegium Musicum Den Haag
Leclair: Récréation de Musique - Opera Quarta
Maggio Valente - Ensemble Micrologus
Mayr: Musica Sacra - Neue Hofkapelle München
Nicolas Gombert 1 - The Sound and the Fury
Nicolas Gombert 2 - The Sound and the Fury

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