All Titles - Ars Produktion
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Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 4 "Italian", Symphony No. 5 "Reformation" - Rudner
Messiaen: La Nativité du Seigneur - Wolfgang Sieber
Milhaud: Le voyageur sans bagage; Defontaine: Couleurs d'un Rêve - Fratres Trio
Mira - Pearl of Passion
Moments of Youth - Goh, Schobesberger
Mozart - Constantin Trinks
Mozart, CPE Bach, Henze: Flute concertos - Muñoz, O'Brien, Kasai
Mozart, Hummel, Weber: Bassoon Concertos - Matthias Rácz
Mozart, Verdi, Ives: Quartets - Schumann Quartett
Mozart: Piano Concerto Nos. 12 & 23 - Leko, Schlaefli
Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante, Haydn: Symphony No. 44 "Trauer", Beethoven: Symphony No. 8 - Rudner
Musique Romantique: Arensky, Sauter, Tchaikovsky - TenHagen Quartett, Bartolomey
Opera Fantasias from the Shadowlands - Le Quatuor Romantique
Pape – Walther, Westhoff, Bach
Pasión Tango - Kleinhapl, Woyke
Piano Trios - Boulanger Trio
Piano Trios - Trio Panta Rhei
Piano Trios by Clara Schumann, Rebecca Clarke & Alba Rosa Vietor - Storioni Trio
PianOrchestra - Poizat
Pleyel: 3 String Quartets - Ignaz Pleyel Quartett
Previn, Shostakovich: Cello sonatas - Bartolomey, Zeilinger
Prokofiev: Piano Sonatas 2 & 3, Rachmaninov: Moments musicaux - Häring
Rare Chamber Music, Vol. 1 - Jansa Duo
Rare Chamber Music, Vol. 2: Hoffmann - Grands Duos Concertants - Jansa Duo

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