All Titles - Hyperion
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Monteverdi: The Sacred Music 2 - The King's Consort/Robert King
Monteverdi: The Sacred Music 3 - The King's Consort/Robert King
Monteverdi: The Sacred Music 4 - The King's Consort/Robert King
Monteverdi: Vespers, Magnificat - Robert King
Moon, sun & all things - Ex Cathedra
Rachmaninov: Piano Concertos (complete) - Stephen Hough
Rameau: Keyboard Suites - Angela Hewitt
Scharwenka: Romantic Piano Concerto 38 - Hamelin/Stern
Schumann: Humoreske - Hewitt
Shostakovich/Shchedrin: Piano Concertos - Marc-André Hamelin
Victoria: Ave Regina caelorum - Choir of Westminster Cathedral/Baker

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