All Titles - Harmonia Mundi
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Sing with the Voice of Melody - Stile Antico
Song of Songs - Stile Antico
Sound The Bells! - The Bay Brass
Stockhausen: Stimmung - Hillier
Stories - Theatre of Voices, Paul Hillier
Stravinsky: Les Noces, Mass, Cantata - Daniel Reuss
Talbot: Path of Miracles - Craig Hella Johnson
Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1 etc. - Kern/Rochester/Seaman
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4 - Gatti
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5, Romeo & Juliet - Gatti
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6, Serenade for Strings - Gatti
The Christmas Story - Hillier
The Cries of London - Theatre of Voices, Fretwork
The Phoenix Rising - Stile Antico
The Powers of Heaven - Paul Hillier
The Sacred Spirit of Russia: Gretchaninov / Kastalsky / Rachmaninov - Conspirare
Tiovo Tulev: Songs - Hillier
Tune thy Musicke to thy Hart - Stile Antico
Vaughan Williams: A London Symphony, Serenade to Music - Seaman
Vaughan Williams: On Wenlock Edge, Ten Blake Songs
Vaughan-Williams, MacMillan: Oboe Concertos - Daniel, MacMillan
Vivaldi: Concertos for the Emperor - English Concert/Manze
Vivaldi: Stabat Mater - Scholl/Chiara
XL, Choral Works for 40 Voices - Halsey

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